Objectifs nationaux

Title Rationale Aichi targets
By 2022 Biosafety is assured

Since the 1970s, advances in genetics that involved gene-splicing gave birth to the field of biotechnology. The CBD defines ’biotechnology as any technology that uses biological systems, living...

By 2022, a mechanism for equitable sharing of benefits arising from biodiversity is established and implemented

Genetic resources, like other biological resources, are not evenly distributed across the world.
Many of the world’s 35 biodiversity hotspots are found in developing countries (CI, 2016). Thus,

By 2022, a system is established and ongoing for inventorising species (taxonomy and conservation status), ecosystems (s

Sri Lanka is a small island with high diversity and high endemism and is listed as one of 35 global hotspots in the world. Yet this categorization has been based on limited data, and any gaps in...

By 2022, a system is established and ongoing for inventorising species (taxonomy conservation status), ecosystems (struc
By 2022, genetic diversity of crop wild relatives, cultivated species and livestock is conserved

In the previous description, the loss of agrobiodiversity was presented. However, as is noted
by FAO (1999) ‘Agrobiodiversity is a vital subset of biodiversity which is developed and actively

By 2022, habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation are significantly reduced

Sri Lanka has been colonized for more than 100,000 years by humans (Deraniyagala, 1986).
With the advent of humans, the natural landscape of Sri Lanka was changed significantly. Sri
Lanka’s history...

By 2022, habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation are significantly reduced

Sri Lanka underwent large scale deforestation during the hydraulic civilization from 200 BC till 1200 AD for agriculture, during colonial rule for plantations, and post-independence for development...

By 2022, mechanisms are established to ensure sustainable use of biodiversity

The FAO estimates that 40% of global economy is based on biological resources (CBD, undated
a). The CBD Secretariat states that ‘in many cases, if not most, sustainable use is one of the

By 2022, sustainable agriculture practices are promoted and established

Sri Lanka has a long-history of traditional use of natural resources (Mahindapala, 2005). For
example, there has been rice cultivation in Sri Lanka since 800 BC (Jayawardena, 2003).
However, with...

By 2022, the capacity of ecosystems to deliver goods and services and provide protection from hazards is enhanced

Worldwide, the climate has changed, and will continue to change (van Aaslt, 2006). The World recognized climate change as the dominant driver of biodiversity change by the end of this century (MEA...