
Sri Lanka has a rich snake diversity, but the island’s scolecophidians (‘blindsnakes’) are poorly understood due to the cryptic, burrowing habits of these inconspicuous animals and lack of systematic field surveys and morphological and molecular analyses. Here a research team report findings from a…
The Ministry has established the National Expert Committee on Mangrove conservation sustainable use’ whose responsibility would be coordinate and steer the activities related to the conservation and sustainable use of mangrove ecosystems. One of the major activity is to prepare National Policy on…
Sri Lanka became a signatory to Convention on Biological Diversity on 1992 and the Convention was ratified in 1994. In 1994 Sri Lanka formulated a Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable use of Biological Diversity and, in 1996, prepared a Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan (BCAP) under the…
The expert and key stakeholder workshop was conducted on the 19 th of February 2016 from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 at the “Plant Genetic Resources Centre” Gannoruwa” Peradeniya. It was conducted successfully “achieving its goals of development of new project proposals to be facilitated and coordinated…
Taking Action for Biodiversity The world is now on a path to building a future of living in harmony with nature. In October 2010, in Japan, governments agreed to the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Targets as the basis for halting and eventually reversing the loss of…

Assessing needs and opportunities for a regional ambition

The overall aim of the workshop is to support Parties in developing and implementing national plans on the restoration of forests and other ecosystems in the context of the short-term action plan on ecosystem restoration.  Participating

On this International Bat Night, Rainforest Trust would like to celebrate our work with National Trust of Fiji and Bat Conservation International. In July 2018, we created the first ever bat sanctuary in Fiji by officially protecting over 20 acres of land near the Nakanacagi Cave, which is home to


Grouper moon fish. Photo by Jim Hellem
The selling, exporting and consumption of beche-de-mer, undersized fish, kawakawa and donu (grouper) will stop from next year between June and September.

The purpose of the workshop is to build capacity and provide guidance on how to establish and sustain effective national clearing‑house mechanisms (CHM), in line with decision X/15 and in support of the national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs).

Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey, Taronga Conservation Society Australia, The National Trust of Fiji and NatureFiji-MareqetiViti have discovered a new species of banded iguana The new species of lizard, Brachylophus gau, is one of only four living species of South Pacific iguana, and is…
Out of the 167 freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas identified, mapped and validated throughout the Mediterranean region, 75 percent were found outside the boundaries of any pre-existing protected areas or other KBAs, according to the main results of an IUCN assessment revealed today at the IUCN World…
Towards a biodiversity knowledge network for scientific and technical cooperation Mission The Convention on Biological Diversity has been established further to Article 18.3 of the Convention. Further to decision X/15, its mission is to contribute significantly to the implementation of the…
National Red List 2012
The first list of threatened flora of Sri Lanka was prepared by Prof. B.A. Abeywickrama in 1987. This list was reproduced by Wijesinghe et al. in 1987 which also included a list of nationally threatened fauna. This list was updated by Wijesinghe et al., in 1993, using the data gathered from the…