Validation Workshop on the draft National Policy on Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Use |
Validation workshop on National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan |
Expert & stakeholder workshop of UNEP/GEP funded project on “Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation and sustainable use for improved human nutrition and wellbeing” (BFN project) |
United Nations Decade on Biodiversity |
Sub-regional exchange for the Pacific on the restoration of forests and other ecosystems within a landscape approach |
International Bat Night: Fijian Bat Sanctuary |
Двадцать второе совещание вспомогательный орган по научным, техническим и технологическим консультациям (ВОНТТК) |
Ban on export, sale of endangered fish during breeding season |
What is the surface area of Bioland in sq. km? |
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity |