
Implementing Agency: The Biodiversity Secretariat of the state Ministry of Environment


Although Sri Lanka was identified as one of the global biodiversity hotspots, biodiversity values are not being mainstreamed satisfactorily in national-level economic decision-making


A project to strengthen Sri Lanka’s regulatory, institutional and technical capacities for effectively implementing the National Biosafety Framework in conformity with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

Resources Partner: GEF
Government Counter Part: Ministry of Environment

Conserving, Biodiversity


The development goal of the project is to contribute to the improvement of global knowledge of biodiversity for food and nutrition and thereby enhance the well-being, livelihoods and food security of target beneficiaries in Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey through the conservation

•    To ensure that agrobiodiversity in Sri Lanka is optimally conserved and used to meet the challenges of climate change and improve rural livelihoods.
•    To increase the area devoted to sustainably managed agrobiodiversity through the use of practices, procedures, institutions, and the