Expert & stakeholder workshop of UNEP/GEP funded project on “Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation and sustainable use for improved human nutrition and wellbeing” (BFN project)
The expert and key stakeholder workshop was conducted on the 19th of February 2016 from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 at the “Plant Genetic Resources Centre” Gannoruwa” Peradeniya. It was conducted successfully “achieving its goals of development of new project proposals to be facilitated and coordinated through the BFN project in the year 2016-2017”.
Dr Danny Hunter, the global project coordinator, presented and also research scientists from different institutes in the Department of Agriculture, representatives from provincial agriculture officers, University lecturers, Media, Traditional knowledge representatives, policy sector representatives and NGOs “provincial education sector, representatives from traditional knowledge experts have participated in this event. The selected project proposals were modified & implemented in this event.