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Awarness Programe
Awareness workshop on Biodiversity related Traditional Knowledge for the officers of Kalutara District Secretariat Venue: District Secretariat, Kaluthara Date: 2024.12.02 The Biodiversity Division of the…
Updating Invasive Alien Species Risk Assessment Protocols and Priority List 05 th August 2024 Workshop on Updating the Invasive Alien Species (IAS), Risk Assessment Protocols and Priority lists, have…
Main event
Conservation of the mangrove ecosystem has been highlighted globally as a priority, and the UNESCO Conference held in 2015 aimed to improve awareness of the importance of the unique, special and threatened…
Address the gathering at Inception Workshop
The Inception workshop of the GEF Vii Project on “ Partnership and Innovative Financing to Mainstream Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management in Wet Zone of Sri Lanka” was held on 16.07.2027 at the Water’s…