
Document type

Taxonomic research on the faunal groups of Sri Lanka has undergone tremendous growth since the 1990s, resulting in the discovery and scientific description of several new species. This publication is intended to collate and present updated information on the status of taxonomy, research and

Document type
National Report

A major action pertaining to the conservation of wetlands in Sri Lanka was the establishment of a National
Policy on Wetlands in 2004. The National Wetlands Steering Committee was also revived in 2003. These
important initiatives were followed up with a draft wetland conservation strategy and

Document type

The objective of NCR is to define a national system of protected areas in which watersheds important for soil conservation and hydrology are protected and forest biodiversity is fully represented, while meeting the cultural, economic and social needs of the country

Document type
National Report

A total of 61 endemic species were assessed. Of these, 12 point endemic species were listed as Critically Endangered (CR); 24 range-restricted species were Endangered (EN); and nine species were Vulnerable (VU). In addition, five species were Near Threatened (NT); two were listed as Data Deficient