Tropical moist monsoon forest
These forests are located in the transition zone or between the tropical rain forests and dry mixed evergreen forests. They bear similarities in species composition to both the tropical lowland wet evergreen forests and the tropical dry mixed evergreen forests and some species of their own. Fragments of this forest type are seen at Barigoda near Kurunegala and Daragoda near Moneragala, and more extensive areas in Randenigala and Samanalawewa. The dominant families here are Anacardiaceae, Sapindaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Moraceae. The dominant species are Mangifera zeylanica, Canarium zeylanicum, Filicium decipiens, Dimorcarpus longan, Nothopegia beddomei and Gironniera parvifolia. Lianas are abundant in this forest type. Only about 17 % of the tree species in them are endemic to Sri Lanka. One of these endemics is Hopea brevipetiolaris on the crest of Doluwakanda, which is its only habitat.
